It was so nice that Halloween was on Saturday this year! Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and trick-or-treating fun. Their costumes were great!! We love them!

Here are the kids (minus Alex who didn't want his picture taken) with Grandpa right before trick-or-treating.

Logan changed his mind at the last minute and didn't want to be Scooby Doo. He wanted to be Darth Vader. Grandpa let him wear his costume. He actually wore the mask to some of the houses. Then, it was just too hard to run with it on!

I got one of Alex. He wasn't pleased and he didn't even wear his hat!

The kids are ready to go!!

They all had a great time. Hannah went with her 2 friends who were witches as well. She trick-or-treated for nearly 2 hours. That is the longest she has ever gone! Jacob didn't last too long. Logan didn't want to stop and Alex eventually got the hang of it after about 10 houses. It was so cute to see them running up the door, saying "trick or treat" and then thank you, of course. Then running to the next house while trying to eat the candy they just got! It was lots of fun!
1 comment:
Looks like fun! I laughed really hard at the Darth Vaders!
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