I love October! These first few pictures are of the monthly birthday party at Grandma and Grandpa's house. There are 4! Ella is 1, Caleb turned 5, mine (???), and my dad turned 60 this year! I loved my lemon pie!!!!!

Dad's fabulous cake!

Logan wanted to open all the presents himself.
Here's my birthday dinner. The kids decorated with streamers and signs. We had birthday hats and it was a great time!!
I took the kids to Garner Village to look at the witches. It was a nice day. It was fun to have grandma come with us.

For Fall break from school, we took the kids to Cornbelly's. FUN FUN FUN!!!

The bouncing pillows! We were the only one on them for a while.
1 comment:
what fun pictures, Jamie! you guys had a great October! I love seeing your kids and especially Logan and Alex who seem to be growing up so big so fast...what a cute family you have. Thank you for talking to me yesterday. I appreciated it so much!
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