I've decided to break down the summer fun! I'm starting with Alex and Logan.
Shortly after their birthday they discovered a new hiding spot!

Can you see Alex peeking behind?

Alex has such a great smile!

Getting dressed by themselves...


Then they decided they didn't like clothes at all. We are
FINALLY(?) out of that stage!

Hard at work painting the kitchen.
Their favorite past time is officially BASEBALL--Rich is VERY excited about that!

Alex--he has a silly sister!
Logan--he does too!

They love being outside!

We had an incredible amount of grasshoppers at our house this summer. The boys absolutely loved it. They would spend forever searching for "hoppers". They even managed to catch quite a few of them!

Here's one!

Logan became quite good at catching them while they were on the fence.

Logan just being silly--as usual!

Here's Logan with the jester hat he got from Grandma and Grandpa Thayne from their mission in England.
Alex's new trick--he thinks he is hilarious! He kind of is!

Of course, Logan has to follow!

Next up...Jacob!
1 comment:
Yeah! It's so fun to see new pictures and read of the fun things you guys do as a family, Jamie. Your kids are all so cute and active and busy! Wow, you are doing so well as "Mom" of that household! I love that Jacob likes to sing!
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