We really didn't go anywhere, I was just a bit lazy and behind in my posting. However, I do wish that I was in Hawaii right now!!!
Our lives seem to be in a slow, repeating pattern...school, work, eat, sleep, repeat. We did have a few "different" days with Grandma and Grandpa Thayne going on their mission, dentist appointments (yes, more than one), super Saturdays (just one thank Heavens!), and Halloween (bring on the candy!). So, I am looking forward to the upcoming holidays. This time of year always brings some excitement and spontaneity.
We are excited that Aunt Heather and Max are coming for a visit. They'll be here right before Jacob's 5th birthday. He is most excited to have a friend party this year!!
Here are some pictures of us these last few weeks.

It is our family tradition to attend the Utah State Fair. Rich and I went to the state fair for our very first date--11 years ago. We loved it then and still love it now!! We have gone every year, except 1, since then. We love the food, the activities, and the animals. This year we came on the day of the big tractor pull. Loud, but the kids thought it was great! A fabulous time was had by all!

Jacob and Hannah at the Little Farm Hands exhibit. They love this because they get to "buy" a special treat at the end with the "money" they earned from all their hard farm work! Here they are after picking apples.

Milking a cow!
Jacob in front a COOL race car!!!
Hannah and her snowie--grape of course!!

Halloween get-together at Grandpa Cory and Grandma Lillie's house. Here are the grandkids in their costumes. We are missing Max (in Georgia) and Alex (inside asleep!)

Alex woke up and he is the monkey. Logan is the puppy. They are so CUTE!!!!
All the kids with me on my birthday!
Logan and Alex love to be their stomachs. Here they are playing with Jacob's piano. They are growing so fast. They are 7 months old now and learning new tricks everyday. They love peas, sweet potatoes, and peaches. They are trying to drink out of sippy cups, but they haven't quite mastered that yet. They can pretty much get where they want to go by scooting on their tummies and rolling. They are both so fun. It is so great to see them learning new things and changing so much. We love our babies!!!

Alex made his way in to my closet and began eating my shoes. Logan just found one closer to him--dad's slipper.

Hannah had to do an oral report in class on a Historical Figure. She chose Sacagawea. Here she is in her class. Doesn't she look great--just like Sacagawea! I am proud of Hannah!!
Oh, we are for sure going to the State Fair next year! That looks like soooo much fun!! Love all the pictures. Jamie, you have such a cute family and I miss you so bad! It's been so long since we got together! Give the kids and Rich big hugs from us!
And I REALLY want to know the story behind Rich's costume!
Hey, Jamie. I love the fair, too. We always went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair when we were close. I had never been to a state fair, before I married Rob. Us crazy military people, we have some different experiences, hu? Your kids look great. What a fun family. I know one of them is adopted, are the rest? Deb
Nope, just our sweet Jake!
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