Christmas Eve began at Aunt Kris and Uncle Gordon's house. We enjoyed a great lunch and great family fun. Grandma and Grandpa Thayne called from England and talked to everyone. They sent all the grandkids original poppers. The kids enjoyed them because they sounded like firecrackers when they opened. They were filled with jokes and paper hats. Here are the kids with their crowns on.
Alex has his on!
John, Brittani, Tom and Kathy enjoying their poppers!
After Kris and Gordon's, we headed to Grandma Lillie and Grandpa Cory's house for dinner. Here are the boys ready to eat. Aren't they cute!!!
The evening was followed with the traditional Perkins Family Christmas Pageant. We all love to dress up and sing. Here Russell is the shepherd with his little sheep.
Hannah was Mary and Jacob was Joseph.
Lindsay was the Angel of the Lord and here she is Shepherd Russell and his sheep, Calvin.
Rich and I were the "three" wise men. We are holding the sheep, Logan and Alex. Hannah and Jacob with baby Jesus.

Grandma Lillie was all three innkeepers and Grandpa Cory was the narrator, of course. He always does a great job.

You know it doesn't take so long to blog if you keep up- silly! We always do the Nativity, too. We don't have innkeepers in ours, but we do have a King Herod. We don't really like to sing, though. So not our thing. One day we'll all be angels and have perfect voices, though, right?
As always Jamie, cute pictures!!! I so enjoy being able to keep up with your family through your blog. :)
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