We left on Sunday, the 19th. The kids really liked the airplane. We thought they would be REALLY interested in looking out the window, however, we soon discovered that the glare from the window interrupted their TV watching, so the window stayed closed most of the trip. Oh well, at least they were occupied!

Day 2--Let the fun begin!!!
We are here at LAST!!!!

The Teacups! By their faces, Disneyland is the Happiest Place on Earth!!
Day 3--California Adventure
I loved how they used candy corns as "A's"

Hannah started getting a little braver about the characters.
Nice, cool ice cream treat!
Pirate's Island--of course there are some random people in the back! We found the treasure after searching through lots of caves!

her nose. It was so cute!
Bug's Life Land
The babies got to ride on lots here. They really had a good time.

Day 4--We're ready for the last day of our trip!
Snow White
Since we went on most everything the kids wanted the 2 days before, they wanted to get autographs of the characters. They got lots before we had to leave and catch our plane. The next pictures are of them and the characters.
What a wonderful trip we had!
Hannah's favorites from the trip:
California Screamin' Rollercoaster--she rode twice!
Autotopia Driving Cars --3 times--she even got her driver's license
playing at the beach
Jacob's favorites:
Space Mountain
Indiana Jones--he covered his eyes and ears the whole time!
Pirates of the Caribbean
Wow! What a trip! Looks like tons of fun. See you soon!
Thanks for sharing your blog with us. Lance told me about you guys going to Disneyland. I am sure that you went at the best time of the year - we always seem to go when it is too crowded! Plus the Halloween Decorations and costumes look so much fun. I can't believe the twins are already in nursery!! What a CUTE family! (can I add your blog to mine?)
You were so smart to go the week after fall break. It's looks like you had a blast! How fun to see all of your pictures. I can't wait to go back again.
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