Our Jacob is now six. What a great day we had! His birthday started last week with a cake from Grandma!
It continued all week with cards in the mail, outings with Grandma and fun days at school being the VIP. It took a lot of effort to convince him he wasn't six until today!!! Today started with his favorite breakfast--cold cereal--HoneyNut Cheerios. Then there were presents!!! (One of his favorite parts!)
Hannah made him a special birthday hat from the tissue paper. He's thrilled--can't you tell!
Then lots of playing with his new stuff. Next, we were off to Chuck E. Cheese. He loved it. Grandma and Grandpa stopped in for a bit and everyone had a good time and got LOTS of tickets for prizes!

We ended with a birthday dinner--foil dinners from the fire pit--Jacob loves the fire pit--and a great cake decorated by Hannah. Usually I bake a fancy cake of their choice, and believe it or not, this was his choice--a square cake with Happy Birthday Jacob written on it. He is easy to please!!!