WOW!! I can hardly believe that a whole year has gone by since my boys were born. It has been a whirlwind. My boys are growing and getting bigger every day. They are constantly amazing me at how much they are learning. Alex has started walking and there is no stopping him. He loves his new-found freedom. He still seems too small to walk to me, but he is getting to be a big boy. Logan is taking a few steps at a time, and I'm sure it will only be a matter of weeks before he is running around with Alex. He is definitely the more vocal of the two, but is also the more calm. They both LOVE books--especially ones with moving pieces or flaps to lift. They also love music. They are both finally feeling better after both having tubes put in their ears. It was all over before their birthday, thank goodness! I'm so blessed to have healthy and happy kids! Happy birthday my sweet boys! Now if I can just get them to say MAMA...!!!!
The day started out as usual--breakfast in pajamas. Thanks to Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Russell for the cute matching PJ's!

A little playing in between naps! They love to check their mailbox for letters!

Sitting in the birthday chair waiting for presents! I love how Logan has started smiling with his
squinty eyes and Alex is
sooo lounging in this picture!

They are
kind of getting the present-opening thing. Good thing they had such good helpers!

Okay, I know what you're thinking...what kind of a cake is that? They started out as a Thomas the Train cake, then it turned into baseballs and alas, they turned into mice. It wasn't the best day for mom's creativity. The block cakes I made them for the earlier party (see below) turned out much better!

Logan was NOT fond of his cake. In fact, he took handfuls of the chocolate frosting and threw them on the floor. Alex, on the other hand, really liked the marshmallow eyes.
Happy Birthday Alex!

Happy Birthday Logan!
He managed to wipe his
chocolatey hands all over his face!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Thayne! The shirts are so cute!
We had an earlier birthday party on March 16th. We also celebrated Grandma Lillie's birthday. Here are the cakes I made for them. See, much better!
Hannah and Jacob helped decorate them. Good job guys!
The boys were not sure what to do. Alex got the hang of it first. Logan eventually realized he could eat it!

What cute boys!