Monday, August 25, 2008
Jacob's First Day
Monday, August 18, 2008
First day of School
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Last Days of Summer Fun
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008

We love our dad!
Grandpa Perkins' Birthday I love Hannah's face in this picture! We had a great visit with all our cousins and of course, Grandma and Grandpa!
We love Grandma and Grandpa's yard! So much space for the kids to run and have fun. Here's Alex on the rocks! He is getting SOOOO big!

Logan playing in the front yard at the party.

Fourth of July
I tried to take pictures of all the kids and then all of them together. This year, it didn't work out so well. So, here they are!


Mom and the kids! My look says it all!
Hannah got a new bike on the 4th. Her old bike lost it's chain and was very small. She's had it since she was four. I guess it was about time! She loves it!
Here she is riding at Grandma Lillie and Grandpa Cory's house on the holiday!

Logan and Grandpa!

Aunt Lindsay and Calvin

The little boys in the pool. Calvin was a bit apprehensive, but Alex and Logan wouldn't get out!

The boys' 1 year pictures
It only took me 4 months AFTER the boys turned 1 to get their year pictures. Unfortunately, they did not cooperate. They didn't smile and would not sit still. But, I got the disk and still think they are so cute!! Here a few of them and a few others I took myself. They are getting so big and funny. They love to play together and are constantly laughing! They also are such kind boys, especially Logan. He is constantly giving hugs and kisses to everyone.


Pioneer Day --- 24th of July
We went with our friends to the Thanksgiving Point Children's Garden. The kids had a great time playing in the water.
The boys have a favorite thing now---climbing into and onto everything!
We got a new trampoline for the kids. They love it! Here's Emily, Kelsey, and Hannah having a great time!
Here's Calvin playing with the boys before he moved to Arizona. They had such a great time! We will miss him and also Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Russell. However, we are very excited for Uncle Russell to start learning to become a doctor. He'll be a great one! Good luck and we love you!!
Well, school starts in 2 weeks! The kids are way excited--mom too! Our summer has flown by, but it has been a great one! Hoped everyone liked the update!!! I know, the next one will come sooner!!!(I hope :) )