Mother's Day

Hannah's Gymnastics Meet

Jacob's Preschool Graduation
The next day, Jacob graduated from preschool. Here he is in his cap and gown. They had quite a program.
For the progam, each student read a book and sang a solo. Jacob's book was Happy Birthday Clifford, and he sang Penelope Pig. Here's the video of it!
Later that evening, Hannah had her 2nd grade Patriotic Program. She did a great job. Here's a picture of her as a firefighter in the song, Forty Hours a Week. She said it was awfully heavy!!

Memorial Day (Weekend)
On Saturday, we headed up to Bountiful for a great lunch at El Matador and a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Martineau's graves.

We couldn't resist taking a picture in front of Grandma and Grandpa Thayne's new headstone. It was kind of hard to explain since the kids thought they were in England on a mission! HEHEHE!!! Someone even left some artificial flowers on top. They must have felt bad that nothing else was there.
On Monday, we went over to Grandpa Cory's and Grandma Lillie's for a BBQ. The weather was not too good, but we barbequed anyways!
Last, but certainly not least, I must have some fun baby pictures. Here's Alex. He and Logan LOVE the pan cupboard. We found him sitting in this small round one the other day.
And finally, one more video...Logan and Alex having fun together. (Please disregard my voice!!)